A fuller appreciation of our friend and colleague appears elsewhere in this issue of FTN. Suffice to say that, predictably, there was standing room only at the service to celebrate Mike’s life and to say goodbye. It was also only fitting that there was as much laughter as tears on the day and many examples of Mike’s legendary wit and sense of fun were relived amongst his friends.
One of Mike’s legacies is the ‘Mike Langley Foundation’ – a charitable trust that aims to help those with the dream to become a commercial airline pilot, those who have the passion to succeed but not the financial means. Through funding initiatives and scholarships, the foundation aims to widen access to the aviation profession.
The foundation’s website is now live and an online auction to raise funds for the foundation’s aims can be accessed there – with items to bid on including a number of simulator and gliding experiences amongst others. Bidding is open until the 30th of June.