Mission Aviation Fellowship

IFEA meets


The Independent Flight Examiners Association (IFEA) has held its third meeting since its inception last December, the meeting was attended by some twenty examiners from all over the country. IFEA aims to represent the interest of all CAA Authorised examiners, Flight and Ground examiners as well as SFE and RTF examiners and membership is open to any UK flight examiner who holds, or has held, an examiner certificate. IFEA says its main objective is to improve the standardisation of all authorised examiners in the UK; its aims are set out in its constitution as:

  • To be a representative body for examiner interests with the CAA
  • To assist the CAA in achieving the highest examiner standards
  • To provide a channel for the dissemination of information of importance to examiners
  • To provide a forum in which examiners can discuss matters of concern
  • To assist and promote examiner standardisation
  • To put forward to the CAA proposals for examiner selection, training and subsequent mentoring
  • To continually review the conditions under which examiners operate, such as contracts, fees, and test allocation
  • To establish a two-way dialogue with training organisations and other relevant bodies, so as to enhance working relationships and to improve standard

Speakers at the meeting included Professor Michael Bagshaw speaking on the effect of Human Performance on accident rates and Jim Thorpe discussing Performance Based Navigation.

IFEA is hoping to increase its membership significantly over the next twelve months and invites any interested parties to contact [email protected].


Author: Adrian Mahovics

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