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General Aviation questions for Parliament

FTN has spoken to a number of prominent General Aviation experts who are inviting the GA community to suggest questions to be asked in Parliament on matters relating to the concerns of GA. These experts believe that asking Parliamentarians to table Written Parliamentary Questions is an important way of raising awareness of issues affecting GA in Parliament and in the Government, as well as getting answers directly from Minsters. Once a question has been tabled it is recorded in Hansard, the official record of Parliament, and Ministers have to respond within a set number of days.

Suggested Parliamentary questions regarding General Aviation can be sent to individual MPs or to the All-Party Parliamentary Group for General Aviation (APPG GA). The APPG GA has set up a number of working groups, each of which reflects key areas of concern for General Aviation, those working groups are:

  • Airfields
  • Airspace
  • Tax and regulation
  • Heritage

The terms of reference, membership and work program for each Working Group are available at the APPG GA website ( together with updates on their work.

To suggest a question for Parliament the question itself, together with any supporting information such as evidence, documentation etc., can be sent to the APPG GA via its website ( with a copy sent to: [email protected] .

The message should also include contact details for the sender in case any additional information or clarification is needed to draft the question.

Author: Adrian Mahovics

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