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On the Numbers: Oshkosh 2018 EAA Air Venture

According to EAA Chairman Jack Pelton: “A ‘perfect’ event may be unattainable, but AirVenture 2018 came about as close as one could imagine.

“The combination of outstanding programs, aircraft variety, a robust economy, and good weather combined to complement the efforts of our staff and 5,000 volunteers throughout the grounds. The week was upbeat, exciting, and filled with many ‘Only at Oshkosh’ moments.”

Attendance: Approximately 601,000, nearly two percent above of 2017’s record total.

Total aircraft: More than 10,000 aircraft arrived at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh and other airports in east-central Wisconsin. At Wittman alone, there were 19,588 aircraft operations from July 20-30, an average of approximately 134 take-offs/landings per hour.

Total showplanes: 2,979 (second straight year over 2,900): 1,160 homebuilt aircraft (5 percent increase), 1,094 vintage airplanes, 377 warbirds (7 percent increase), 185 ultralights and light-sport aircraft, 75 seaplanes, 22 rotorcraft, 52 aerobatic aircraft, and 14 hot air balloons.

Camping: More than 12,300 sites in aircraft and drive-in camping accounted for an estimated 40,000 visitors.
Commercial exhibitors: 867.


Author: FTN Editor

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