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Teaching Helicopter Trial Lessons

Teaching Helicopter Trial Lessons

During the helicopter instructor course, you get a lot of advice on how to teach each lesson of the PPL(H) course. The novice instructor practises constantly, usually being given a lesson, then having to give it back…and I never got over the weird feeling engendered by pretending to teach basics such as straight and level flying to a 30,000 hour instructor! But you do this for every lesson. Every lesson, that is, except...

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Shoreham Airport has new Operator

Shoreham Airport has new Operator

Aviation consultants Cyrrus Ltd and their private equity partners have purchased a 25-year lease of the aviation operations at Shoreham (Brighton City Airport), which claims to be Britain’s oldest commercial airport and is home to numerous flying training companies. Tony Realff, Managing Director of Brighton City Airport Ltd, will be stepping down after 55 years in the aviation industry, to be replaced by Rob Cooke, Managing Director...

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