All application forms for the Air League’s 5 hour scholarships must be submitted by the 2nd March 2020. Basic application criteria include:
• Be a permanent UK resident.
• Be a member of The Air League (or be applying to be a member at the time of application for the scholarship). Some Air Cadets or those belonging to other youth organisations who belong to a squadron/section/group who have paid an annual fee for free applications to be submitted by it’s members only need to become Air League members should they be successful in securing a scholarship. Please contact your leader for further information about eligibility under this special scheme.
• Be between 16-26 years of age. You must have turned 17 and be no older than 26 on the 1st April 2020.
• Have GCSEs at Grade C/4 or SNE at Grade 5 or SCE Standard Grades at Grade 2/SNE 5 in English and Maths and at least three other subjects. Predicted grades accepted.
• Not hold a LAPL, NPPL or PPL with a Single-Engine Piston Aircraft Rating (SEP). Those who have already started training for a LAPL, NPPL or PPL may use the scholarship towards its completion.
• Have less than 5 hours of flying experience in powered aircraft.
• Be able to meet the requirements for a Class 2 medical
• Be able to meet the requirements for English language proficiency
• Meet certain weight and height criteria. Therefore, you must not weigh more than 103kg (228lbs) or less than 44kg (7 stone or 98 pounds) or be over 6’ 4’’ (193cm) in height. The minimum height is approximately five feet (152 cm).
Selection will be based on the electronic application and, after short-listing, on a skype or video interview. There is an opportunity for candidates who are 18-26 years of age to take part in OASC pilot aptitude testing at RAF Cranwell on the 22-23rd March 2020. This counts as an attempt at CBAT and therefore if you are looking to apply to the RAF or Royal Navy in the next 12 months, the Air League advises you against taking the tests. The opportunity cannot be extended to those over the age of 26 due to the age restrictions posed by the military for entry into service as a pilot and you must be at least 18 years of age on the 1st April 2020. Travel to Cranwell will be at the candidates’ own expense. An overnight stay at Cranwell on the 22nd March is necessary. Meals and accommodation at RAF Cranwell will be complimentary.
As the opportunity is purely intended as an experience, it will not form part of the decision-making process for whom the scholarships will be awarded to.
Applicants will need to be available for interview in March/April 2020 and scholarship winners will be notified by the end of April 2020.
Flying training will commence in May. All Scholarships must be completed by the 31st October 2020. The scholarship course will be completed over 1 week during the summer months in 2020. Only specific dates will be offered.
For more details see: