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April 2023: Dates for your Diary

April 2023: Dates for your Diary

A look ahead to notable dates and deadlines for April 2023: Saturday 1 April: Private Flyer Ireland Weston Airport, 30 mins from Dublin City Centre. “An exciting family-friendly showcase of the best that General Aviation has to offer.” Co-located with the Irish Golf Show, with free parking available onsite. Event scheduled from 10:00 – 17:00. Online tickets available via this link and more info here. Saturday 8...

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Emirates expands training academy with three Diamond aircraft

Emirates expands training academy with three Diamond aircraft

Dubai-based Emirates Flight Training Academy (EFTA) is bolstering its fleet with three new twin-engine Diamond DA420VI aircraft and a corresponding flight simulator. “Slated to be the flagship that ushers in multi-engine piston (MEP) training at EFTA,” the AUSTRO jet-fuel powered DA42-VI is the latest version of Austrian manufacturers Diamond Aircraft Industries’ light piston twin. The total deal is worth an estimated four million...

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CAA publishes rejected take-off advice

CAA publishes rejected take-off advice

The UK CAA has published updated advice on rejected take offs and how to handle them. Published in its ‘Clued Up’ safety journal, the CAA says that most, if not all, pilots will be prepared for an engine failure on take off, but not all issues are so clear cut. Citing an AAIB accident report, the CAA says that in interviews with PPL holders, Flight Instructors and Flight Examiners, the AAIB found that training and awareness of...

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BAA Training to run Vietnam’s first MPL programme

BAA Training to run Vietnam’s first MPL programme

A new MPL (Multi-Crew Pilot Licence) programme for Bamboo Airways has received approval by the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam (CAAV), making it the first MPL programme to be delivered in Vietnam. The programme is being delivered by flight academy BAA Training Vietnam on behalf of Bamboo Airways, following the signing of a three year cooperation agreement which will see approximately 100 new pilots trained by the academy. BAA...

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Pilot delivers 100th Pilot 100pi trainer

Pilot delivers 100th Pilot 100pi trainer

Piper Aircraft are celebrating the delivery of its 100th Pilot 100i trainer to Paragon Flight Training in Florida, USA. The Piper Pilot 100i was introduced in 2019 as the latest variant of the ubiquitous Piper PA-28, now in production for over sixty years. Piper say that the 100i was designed with direct input from flight instructors and students, with an interior is simple yet functional to withstand the rigors of flight training. It...

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