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BMAA Young Person’s Flying Bursary open for applications

The British Microlight Aircraft Association (the BMAA) has announced details of this year’s Young Person’s Flying Bursary.

Awarded annually, this funding is open to “selected candidates between the ages of 15 and 20” who meet certain selection criteria.

In order to qualify for initial selection, candidates must be able to show a dedication to microlight flying; either having commenced training with a microlight instructor (and passed at least one of their ground examinations), or being able to “demonstrate in some other way that they have made a commitment”.

It is “very important” to the association that successful recipients “are interested in microlight flying specifically and not just looking for a fast track to a pilot’s license”, note the BMAA. “What were really want are the future ambassadors of the sport who are in a position to continue on flying the flag when the present incumbents are beginning to hang up their flying suits”.

Following the submission of an application form, a number of candidates will be invited to a “further selection day” to participate in some additional flying and ground-based assessments.

As a CAA-approved organisation, the BMAA “looks after the interests of microlight pilots and enthusiasts in the UK”; providing guidance for members, influencing legislation that governs UK microlight flying, and organising and supporting flying events.

Whether it be to fight for open airspace, proportionate licensing and medical requirements, sensible airworthiness oversight, helping airfields in the planning process or the many other areas of representation that affect BMAA members, the BMAA is always there to represent the interests of microlight pilots,” notes the organisation.

Stressing the importance of promoting the sport to young people, the BMAA are “proud to have helped several youngsters to become microlight pilots”; adding that they’re “happy that the number of applicants increases each year”.

Applications close on March 31 and the online form can be found here.


Author: FTN Editor

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