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Wings Alliance holds Zoom pilot career pathway evening

Wings Alliance holds Zoom pilot career pathway evening

Wings Alliance is hosting a virtual open evening. The event held by the pilot support community is taking place on Zoom in November and will highlight the different pathways to becoming a commercial pilot.  Wings Alliance inviting aspiring commercial pilots to its virtual zoom event. The virtual open evening will offer insights to the benefits of both modular and integrated commercial training training programmes, including other...

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GAAC calls for support  from industry

GAAC calls for support from industry

The General Aviation Awareness Council (GAAC) is seeking new stakeholders to take up various roles with the not-for-profit organisation, which provides invaluable assistance to the UK’s General Aviation airfield network. The GAAC was born out of an initiative from two founding members of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA UK). AOPA UK board members David Ogilvy and Jack Scott recognised the need for an organisation...

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First time flying a jet powered LS4 glider at 200kph

First time flying a jet powered LS4 glider at 200kph

The new LS4 ‘jet’ retrofit option by M&D Flugzeugbau is being well received by glider pilots after the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) approved the jet modification in November 2022. The pilot in the video demonstrates how much fun it is to fly the jet-powered glider and lists its advantages. The LS4’s jet engine can sustain the glider’s flight and prevent glider pilots from landing-out from an...

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RAeS Careers in Aerospace & Aviation Live event dates announced

RAeS Careers in Aerospace & Aviation Live event dates announced

The Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) has announced the dates for its 2023 Careers in Aerospace and Aviation LIVE recruitment fair. The event is open to everyone from students, apprentices and graduates, to experienced professionals and service leavers looking to make their next career move. The RAeS 2023 recruitment fair, Careers in Aerospace and Aviation LIVE, is dedicated to aerospace, aviation and space, and is taking place on the...

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VRpilot adds C172 to its  ‘virtual’ training fleet

VRpilot adds C172 to its ‘virtual’ training fleet

Danish company VRpilot has announced that its VRflow training platform – an interactive cockpit procedure trainer built on Virtual Reality (VR) – is now available for the iconic Cessna 172 in two variants, the classic ‘N’ model and the modern ‘S’ model featuring G1000 avionics. With the advent of consumer priced VR hardware, such as the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and others, the use of VR training platforms is fast becoming a popular...

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