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Canadians happy to see eVTOLs improve community links

Horizon Aircraft study illustrates how air taxi services can be vital to revitalising rural communities in Canada. The Canadian company, that specialises in hybrid electric vertical take-off and Landing (eVTOL) aerial vehicles, found that 66% Canadians would welcome the use of air taxis to address negative issues associated with living in remote communities.

Canadians in general are very receptive to the idea of eVTOLs air taxies. Research shows 60% of Canadians would be happy to travel in a regulatory agency approved air taxi and 48% would be happy to use them as soon as they are commercially operational.

Wider research shows that 48% of respondents would be happy to fly in eVTOLs in other countries outside Canada. Furthermore, the introduction of eVTOLs could improve migration to outback areas if eVTOLs could improve transport links and ensure a strong supply chain.

If air taxis are to be seen as a viable mode of transport and attract customers, regulators and eVTOL manufacturers and operators will need to focus on safety and pilot training.

Around 70% of those questioned said safety issues are very important, while 67% stressed the need for well-trained pilots (It is believed that eVTOLs must be completely autonomous to make economic sense as pilot wages bump up direct operating costs– Editor).

Around 56% said cost would be very important while just 28% said comfort was very important to them.

Brandon Robinson, CEO of Horizon Aircraft, said: “Properly designed eVTOLs could have multiple uses including urban transport, air ambulances, cargo transport, military, and wildfire service use but in Canada they are particularly suited to addressing the issues faced by people living in remote communities.

“It is interesting to see that so many Canadians would consider moving to more remote areas if they could rely on safe and secure air taxi services,” Robinson adds.

Horizon Aircraft is designing a hybrid electric eVTOL that can re-charge its batteries enroute when flying. The Cavorite X7 eVTOL designed for long-range regional passenger and cargo, as well as special missions. The Cavorite X7 aircraft has an estimated gross weight of 5,500 lbs and a useful payload load of 1,500 lbs.

The Cavorite X7 will have an estimated maximum speed of 250 miles per hour and an average range of over 500 miles with fuel reserves. The Company believes that this experimental aircraft is well-positioned for medical evacuation, critical supply delivery, disaster relief, and special military missions.

The Company believes that the proposed aircraft would also be attractive for Regional Air Mobility – moving people and cargo 50 to 500 miles. Horizon Aircraft is testing its 50%-scale aircraft to reduce technical risk as it continues to develop its full-scale aircraft.

Image accredited to Horizon Aircraft

Author: FTN Editor

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