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Air League flying & gliding scholarships 2025

UK aviation charity the Air League is opening three of its six scholarship programmes next week.

Opening on 27 January 2025, the Air League will be inviting applications for its flying, gliding and electric flying scholarships. Additional scholarships in the fields of engineering, drone flying and ATPL studies are scheduled to open over the coming months.

The Air League, founded in 1909, is the UK’s largest provider of independent aviation scholarships. Over the past decade, scholarships and bursaries worth over £2.5 million have been allocated to young people across the UK. Last year, the Air League awarded a total of 90 scholarships; including 56 flying scholarships, 3 electric flying scholarships and 31 gliding scholarships.

Flying scholarships

The Air League is offering 3-hour, 5-hour and 12-hour scholarships, providing introductory, intermediate and advanced flying programmes.

3-hour scholarship

This scholarship provides an introductory course held over a two-day period on pre-selected dates at one of the Air League’s approved training providers, and offers an initial powered flying experience combined with ground school theory.

5-hour scholarship

This scholarship is an intermediate course held over a five-day period on pre-selected dates at one of the Air League’s approved training providers. This scholarship offers an additional powered flying experience combined with advanced ground school.

12-hour scholarship

The 12-hour scholarship is an advanced flying award that provides powered flying with the aim of going solo. This scholarship aims to allow an individual to further the development of their career pathway into aviation and aerospace. This scholarship can be flown residentially on pre-selected dates at the scholar’s own pace at one of the Air League’s training providers.

Gliding scholarships

The Air League is offering three gliding scholarship categories including a Gliding to Solo scholarship, SLMG Conversion scholarship and Pilot Development scholarship.

Gliding to Solo scholarship

This scholarship provides an introductory gliding to solo course. The course is held over a two-week period on pre-selected dates at an Air League approved gliding club, and offers an introduction to gliding combined with ground school theory.

SLMG Conversion scholarship

The SLMG Conversion scholarship provides an individual who has previous gliding experience with an opportunity to convert to powered flying. This scholarship aims to further a young person’s career pathway into aviation and aerospace, and is flown at the scholars pace at their chosen gliding club.

Pilot Development scholarship

This scholarship is an intermediate or advanced award that provides an individual with additional support towards going solo, aerobatic, or cross-country training.

Electric flying scholarships

Inaugurated in 2024, the Air League now also offers Electric Flying Scholarships, which provides 5 hours flying on the Pipistrel Velis Electro, with additional simulator time, ground school and sustainability-focused discussions. The scholarships are flown with Saxon Air at Norwich Airport across 3-4 days in Summer 2025.

Commenting on the scholarship programme, the Air League’s Ben Harris said: “Each year we’ve been fortunate enough to have an exceptional group of young people, many without any flying experience, take full advantage of our Flying, Gliding and Electric Flying scholarships. Our programmes enable young people to develop skills, build confidence and develop a wider understanding of the industry. We strongly urge anyone with a passion for aviation and aerospace to apply for a scholarship.”

The scholarships application window opens next Monday, 27 January, and runs until 30 March 2025. 


Author: FTN Editor

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