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Norwegian partners with four European schools for pilot training

Low-cost carrier Norwegian is partnering with four schools to deliver newly qualified pilots.

Norwegian has signed agreements with the pilot schools OSM Aviation Academy in Norway, Center Air Pilot Academy (CAPA) in Denmark, Lunds universitet Trafikflyghögskolan (TFHS) in Sweden, and FTEJerez in Spain.

“This is a great way for us to attract pilots. With this new agreement, we get the opportunity to get to know the cadets during their education. This also allows those who are hired by Norwegian to start working immediately while receiving Type-rating course for the aircraft the company operates, as well as other necessary theory and advanced training courses,” says Guro Poulsen, PEOPLE Director at Norwegian.

The training programme takes approximately 20 months, result in graduates joining Norwegian on the airlines 737 fleets.

The Norwegian Group, which includes Norwegian and Widerøe, is the country’s largest aviation group, with approximately 8,500 employees and a fleet of 82 aircraft.


Author: FTN Editor

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