Airfield protection and the championing of GA
Safeguarding UK airfields from housing development is back on Government’s agenda, after a crucial intervention by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for General Aviation. The APPG for General Aviation, formed last February, has quickly grown to become one of the largest parliamentary groups in Whitehall and has been active in rolling out initiatives to support the General Aviation sector. Consisting of 124 cross-party MPs and...
Better outlook for UK training airfields
A number of key announcements in July have bought hopes of the continuance of flying operations at one of the UK’s busiest training airfields, as well as the prospect of two recently closed airfields returning to active status. As previously reported in FTN, flying schools at Wellesbourne Airfield in Warwickshire received eviction notices at the end of 2015, amid fears that the airfield was to be closed and redeveloped as a housing...
Strategic Aerodrome Network calls for airfield protection in National Planning Policy
The Strategic Aerodrome Network (SAN) reports that it now has 118 airfields listed as being strategically important to UK aviation infrastructure, and its programme directors are continuing to encourage more airfields to join. Ann Bartby and Louise Southern, who run the programme, says that the SAN is now of even more importance as Government’s new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) proposals gives the highest priority for new...