Mission Aviation Fellowship
Claiming back VAT on flight training

Claiming back VAT on flight training

What, you can claim back VAT on your flight training? You probably don’t believe it. You might be surprised to even read the title, particularly if you perused the article on this topic in a fairly recent report in Flight Training News. You may recall that it stated there, quite clearly, that flying students in the UK had to pay VAT on their commercial flight training, unlike our colleagues in mainland Europe. And, of course,...

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The right stuff?

The right stuff?

The British Airline Pilots’ Association (BALPA) has released a report stating that while airline pilot recruitment is looking positive for 2024, it now harbours concerns that the training industry may be experiencing capacity issues and could soon be struggling to meet demand. Having previously warned new entrants to the industry that a surplus of experienced pilots laid off during the pandemic meant that new pilot graduates would...

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Six considerations for the use EC technology

Six considerations for the use EC technology

The UK CAA has published a report on the use of electronic conspicuity (EC) technology used in light aircraft. Covered by FTN, the milestone report was carried out by the General Aviation Safety Council (GASCo) and Jarvis Bagshaw, who surveyed pilots to investigate how Human Factors affect the safe use of EC devices. The six factors for the use of EC technology  is now examined. EC is an umbrella term for the technology that can help...

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India’s lead in female pilot numbers is in part thanks to this woman

India’s lead in female pilot numbers is in part thanks to this woman

The Indian Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), say a record number of commercial  pilot licences (CPL) were issued in the country last year. Now the aviation authority claims that India has the highest percentage of women pilots in the world. DGCA analysts state that the Indian airline industry is experiencing a strong period of growth. In January 2024 Indian airlines had accumulated about 1,620 outstanding aircraft orders,...

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Practise – Demonstrate – Teach

Practise – Demonstrate – Teach

As a Flight Instructor Examiner (FIE) I get to observe many instructors delivering flight training exercises and most of them perform satisfactorily. Occasionally I come across one or two that really don’t know what they are trying to teach. This may be due to poor and inadequate training during the instructor course, or it might be they have forgotten what to do or, more importantly, how to do it. The process of teaching can best be...

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Tayside Aviation administration update after collapse

Tayside Aviation administration update after collapse

The administrators appointed to Tayside Aviation after its collapse in April have now published a progress report detailing their work on the recovery and sale of Tayside’s assets and the dispersal of funds to the company’s creditors. While indications are that secured creditors will get some if not all their money back, the news for unsecured creditors, which include those customers who had paid upfront for pilot training programmes,...

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