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A Change is Gonna Come

A Change is Gonna Come

Secretary of State for Transport, pilot and aircraft owner, Grant Shapps MP: After many years of being largely ignored by central Government, and occasional neglect and disinterest bordering on hostility, the UK General Aviation (GA) sector – and the aviation training industry that operates within it – is being offered a vision of a brighter future and imminent practical measures to help GA, from the Government department...

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UK Aerodromes are Fighting to Survive

UK Aerodromes are Fighting to Survive

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on General Aviation has called on the Prime Minister and Transport Secretary to grant ‘official safeguarding’ status to all 123 licensed or certificated aerodromes in the United Kingdom. In letters to Prime Minister Theresa May, and the Secretary of State for Transport Chris Grayling, the 170-strong all-party group warns that “many of the UK’s aerodromes are facing serious battles for survival due to...

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All-Party Parliamentary Group on General Aviation Welcomes Change

All-Party Parliamentary Group on General Aviation Welcomes Change

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on General Aviation (APPG-GA) has welcomed two pro-General Aviation changes made to the new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) but says government has more to do if it wishes to return General Aviation, and its many supporting skills to the global pre-eminence set out in its policy. The APPG-GA says that it received ‘literally thousands’ of submissions in response to its call for submissions...

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