Mission Aviation Fellowship
CAA launches second phase of PMD consultation

CAA launches second phase of PMD consultation

The UK CAA has launched the second phase of its public consultation on the use of self-assessed pilot medical declarations (PMD) for private pilots, following concerns that a small number of pilots who might otherwise been declared unfit to fly had abused the system. The PMD has been around since October 2016 and is an extremely popular route used by private pilots to confirm medical fitness, given that it is the least restrictive...

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British Man Becomes First to Qualify as an Airline Pilot with HIV

British Man Becomes First to Qualify as an Airline Pilot with HIV

A British pilot with HIV has become the first to qualify as a commercial pilot and join an airline after battling to change the regulations governing the issue of a class 1 medical. James Bushe had always wanted to be an airline pilot, and after leaving university in 2009 he worked as a manager in the restaurant trade to earn the money to finance his training. In 2017 he was offered a place on an easyJet pilot training scheme, but at...

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