BMAA Young Person’s Flying Bursary open for applications
The British Microlight Aircraft Association (the BMAA) has announced details of this year’s Young Person’s Flying Bursary. Awarded annually, this funding is open to “selected candidates between the ages of 15 and 20” who meet certain selection criteria. In order to qualify for initial selection, candidates must be able to show a dedication to microlight flying; either having commenced training with a microlight instructor (and passed...
2019 Air League Gliding to Solo Scheme
The Gliding to Solo scheme, sponsored by Boeing UK and delivered by the Air League, has the aim of taking its students from having no prior flying experience to reaching solo level in a glider. The Air League said: “This year, we are unbelievably proud of all nine students from three inner city schools for completing the two week residential programme at London Gliding Club. Students were presented with certificates from Boeing UK, in...
Carlisle Airport Wins Award
Carlisle airport has been named as the UK’s ‘Best General Aviation airport’ by the Airport Operator’s Association (AOA). According to the award citation, Carlisle Lake District Airport provides a natural gateway for visitors to the Lake District National Park, the Pennines, Galloway and the Border regions of Scotland. It is promoting this valuable tourist facility with commercial and business passenger flights to major centres planned...