Mission Aviation Fellowship
Busy Flight, Distractions, Minus Landing Checks

Busy Flight, Distractions, Minus Landing Checks

After flying to another airfield, where the pilot flying had just revalidated an instrument rating, the pilot and examiner returned towards the base airfield for the pilot to complete a multi-engine proficiency check. The check concluded at the base where a number of circuits were to be flown. Downwind on the final circuit, the aircraft was configured for a simulated asymmetric approach and landing, with intermediate flaps selected...

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Left-hand & Right-hand Seat Differences

Left-hand & Right-hand Seat Differences

A qualified pilot was receiving instruction on flying from the right seat in a single engine Cessna aircraft. The first approach to land resulted in a go-around because aircraft was too high and slow. During the latter part of the second circuit, the airspeed fluctuated and the instructor prompted the pilot several times when the instructor saw the speed reducing towards the targeted minimum. At 20-30 feet and with a low power...

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Short-field landing instruction led to nosewheel collapse

Short-field landing instruction led to nosewheel collapse

The student pilot was being taught short field landing techniques, using flaps set to 30° but, during the first approach to the grass runway, a high rate of descent developed shortly before touchdown so the instructor took control and went around. Following an in flight re-brief, the student’s second approach was better until approximately 30ft agl when idle power was selected, with the result that the nose pitched down and the...

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