LIFT Academy orders Diamond Aircraft to meet growing demand
Diamond Aircraft and Leadership in Flight Training (LIFT) Academy announce an expansion of LIFT Academy’s training fleet. The addition of 50 DA40s and 6 DA42s to the fleet demonstrates LIFT Academy’s strong growth and its commitment to providing students with the skills needed for success. This collaboration supports LIFT Academy’s cutting-edge program, which is designed to prepare student pilots for successful...
EASA issues Austro Engine Airworthiness Directive
The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has issued an Airworthiness Directive (AD) announcing mandatory work to be undertaken on all E4 and E4P Jet-A1-powered piston engines installed in Diamond Aircraft, including the popular twin-engine DA-42 NG trainer in use at a large number of flight schools across the world. The AD refers to a Mandatory Service Bulletin (MSB) from Diamond that has been issued following a number of...
DA42 engine failure during take-off demo
Diamond Aircraft demonstrate a engine failure after take-off (EFATO) in its multi engine DA42NG aircraft. The single engine flight characteristics were conducted with cutting the engine at various heights, starting from 50ft down to rotation. A successful land-back was demonstrated in all instances, with a subsequent demonstration of a safe continued flight after an engine failure at 50ft. All engine failures had docile handling...