Mission Aviation Fellowship
Big differences flying a turboprop vs piston aircraft

Big differences flying a turboprop vs piston aircraft

Charlie Gasmire from the Airplane Academy gets checked out on the Kodiak 100 turboprop for the first time. According to the youtuber flying a turboprop is some ways similar to a piston aircraft, and in a lot of ways it’s quite different. In this video Gasmire showcases the main differences between flying both types including some of the new terminology and concepts learnt. Furthermore Gasmire demonstrates how these differences...

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Practise – Demonstrate – Teach

Practise – Demonstrate – Teach

As a Flight Instructor Examiner (FIE) I get to observe many instructors delivering flight training exercises and most of them perform satisfactorily. Occasionally I come across one or two that really don’t know what they are trying to teach. This may be due to poor and inadequate training during the instructor course, or it might be they have forgotten what to do or, more importantly, how to do it. The process of teaching can best be...

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