Industry’s most profitable booking service?
The UK CAA has released a consultation on its proposed Scheme of Charges for its 2024/2025 fiscal year, which if enacted as per current proposals will see the UK Instrument Rating (IR) flight test fee rise to its highest level ever, breaking the £1000 mark for the first time. The proposals, which are open to public consultation until 15 January 2024, start with a blanket price increase of 5.3% on all charges (except spaceflight...
UK CAA proposes 26% hike to ATC charges
UK air traffic control charges are set to rise to £2.08 per passenger, an average increase of about 43p or 26%. The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has outlined its proposed new price controls for NATS (En-Route) plc (NERL), a subsidiary of NATS Holdings. NERL is the provider of most air traffic control services in the UK and the CAA regulates the prices it can charge airlines for the services it provides in UK airspace. The...