Mission Aviation Fellowship
UK Instructor Shortage Prompts Raft of Training Sponsorship Offers

UK Instructor Shortage Prompts Raft of Training Sponsorship Offers

Over recent years, FTN has regularly reported on an impending shortage of flying instructors, especially in the UK. There is now little doubt that there is a widespread shortage of instructors in the UK aviation industry, with many flying schools reporting difficulties in recruiting and retaining instructors. In some cases this shortage is leading to students having difficulties in booking training slots and FTN is aware of at least...

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Boeing Forecasts Unprecedented Pilot Demand

Boeing Forecasts Unprecedented Pilot Demand

Boeing has released the 2018 update of its annual Pilot and Technician outlook, forecasting that the global aviation industry will need 790,000 pilots over the next 20 years. Boeing say that this figure represents double the current pilot workforce and the figure is the most significant demand in the outlook’s nine-year history. In part, the leap in projected demand has occurred because the Boeing forecast now includes data from...

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