Mission Aviation Fellowship

Airline Pilot Training 2016 – Stratford ArtsHouse, Tuesday November 29th

Kura are holding an open event in Stratford upon Avon on Tuesday November 29th. Airline Pilot Training 2016 is the first of what Kura hope will become a regular feature in the calendar; and Kura claim it will be unlike anything that has been staged in the aviation industry. The aim is to bring together working commercial pilots with aspiring pilots and trainee pilots, in what Kura are describing as “an information exchange”.


Kura hope that visitors will use the event to ask the critical questions that all too often get overlooked, such as:

  • what to expect working with different airlines
  • longer term career opportunities
  • how rostering works
  • what is it actually like starting work a First Officer
  • what does the job actually entail
  • what do different training routes offer
  • what to expect from training
  • how to critically question challenges during training
  • job hunting !!
  • how to prepare for an interview
  • what airlines are looking for in a new recruit
  • what to do after training is completed and while looking for work
  • what about type rating?


Kura are inviting a range of pilots to join the event; from across airlines and at different stages in their careers. Kura say that no matter what school, training route or airline; the very much hope that all commercial airline pilots will support this new initiative.

Airline Pilot Training 2016 will take place at Stratford ArtsHouse on Tuesday November 29th between 10:30 and 15:00

For more information see www.airlinepilottraining.co.uk

Author: Adrian Mahovics

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