The Met Office has upgraded its aviation website. Improvements include displaying the T+12 surface pressure chart underneath the F215 weather chart, the inclusion on the TAF and METAR list of when the data was auto-refreshed and the removal of rainfall data older than 3 hours.
The Met Office has also launched a ‘pilot blog’ on its aviation website, with topics expected to include:
- new guidance on interpreting TAFs;
- understanding synoptic charts;
- introduction to Threat & Error Management principles.
The Met Office is also considering the introduction of an e-mail newsletter to be issued to UK Approved Training Organisations (ATOs) and Registered Training Facilities (RTFs), which would include topics such as:
- future forecast developments (i.e. changes to TAF codes)
- awareness of safety services (eg aerodrome warnings, forecast clarification)
- links to guidance
- aviation met courses