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New airprox prevention advice published

The UK Airprox Board (UKAB) has published a new set of advice to General Aviation (GA) pilots aimed at reducing the number of ‘near miss’ airprox incidents. The UKAB say that GA airprox incidents have increased by 50% over the last decade. CAA Beware leaflet 2nd page

CAA Beware leaflet 2nd page copy

The new campaign has been developed by UKAB to offer comprehensive guidance for GA pilots, based on a thorough analysis of hundreds of incidents it has previously assessed. Focusing on six core actions pilots should adopt to avoid an airspace conflict, the campaign has launched with a new educational video, downloadable leaflets and on-line information of the UKAB website.

UKAB data indicates that the frequency of GA Airprox incidents generally increases in spring and early summer, as better weather arrives and many pilots start flying again after the winter. As a result, many pilots may need to pay particular attention to their see and avoid techniques.

Launching the campaign, UKAB Director, Steve Forward, said: “While significant progress has been made over recent years to reduce the number of Airprox incidents involving commercial aircraft, the same cannot really be said of private flying. If GA is to enjoy similar safety gains then pilots need to concentrate on their airmanship skills, make sure they understand correct procedures, avoid distractions and keep a good look-out. Mid-air collisions are one of GA’s major safety risks and we at UKAB are absolutely focused on reducing the number of incidents.”

It’s clear from studying Airprox incident reports over a number of years that look-out and prioritisation of cockpit tasks are the two key areas that GA pilots should be focussed on. There are also some effective and relatively inexpensive electronic systems now on the market that can help by cueing pilots to other similarly equipped aircraft, and these provide real gains in enhancing situational awareness.”

UKAB is calling on all GA pilots to follow six core actions to help reduce Airprox accidents:

  • Eyes – look-out and develop a robust scan technique.
  • Ears – communicate by talking on and listening to the radio, both to make your intentions clear and to maintain situational awareness of others.
  • Foresight – fly defensively, with vigilance, courtesy and consideration of others, also known as ‘airmanship’.
  • Insight – regularly review your understanding of ATC services, rules of the air, circuit patterns and procedures.
  • Advertise – make your presence known through conspicuity measures (electronic and visual).
  • Prioritise – time-share cockpit tasks and avoid distractions which may compromise your look-out.

Author: Adrian Mahovics

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