Applications have opened for the 2018 Liz Inwood taildragger scholarship, to enable a young person to fly the type of vintage aircraft she loved so much.
The applicant must be the holder of a current PPL, NPPL or LAPL, 35 years old or less, with 100 hours total flying time of which at least 50 hours are as a pilot in command. Those unsuccessful in 2018 are welcome to re-apply, the winner of the 2018 scholarship will be announced at the LAA Rally, Sywell on the 1st or 2nd September.
Liz Inwood, who unfortunately died in October 2013 after a long battle with cancer, was a passionate aviatrix with a tremendous sense of humour.
Although originally trained as an artist, Liz was bitten by the aviation bug at an early age, and initially learned to fly at White Waltham.
Every spare moment was spent flying, eventually amassing over 1,000 hours and she became both an instructor and CAA examiner. Primarily based at Oxford (Kidlington) she was also madly keen on the older classic aircraft, particularly the de Havilland Tiger Moth and similar types, once making a tour of Europe in a DH Hornet Moth. Liz was an inspiration to many fledgling pilots and was particularly enthusiastic in encouraging younger people to take up the sport.
After her untimely death some of her family members decided to give a legacy to the Vintage Aircraft Club (VAC), of which she was a long-time active member, to be used as the Club saw fit. To this end the Club decided to match the family’s generous donation and set up this Scholarship in her memory.
After much scrimping and saving, begging and badgering, by the end of 2015 the Club accumulated sufficient funds to ensure that this could be not just a single event, but an ongoing award.
In May 2016 the Club launched its first invitations through the GA press for young people to apply for the 2016 Scholarship.