Sometimes Two Heads are Not Better Than One
Soon after I got my PPL(A), back in the dark ages, flying friends suggested that I pair up with another recently qualified pilot. That way, they said, we could share the cost, and also benefit from each other’s experience. One could fly, while the other did the navigation and radio; then we would swap for the next flight. Half the cost, half the work, twice the fun, they told me. A well tried and tested way of gaining...
First Officer Pilot Apprenticeships Given Clearance
The Aviation Industry Skills Board (AISB) has launched the UK’s first ever industry-led First Officer pilot apprenticeships scheme, providing aspiring pilots with a financially supported route to a First Officer position with a UK airline. The AISB sub-group which developed the apprenticeship framework was made up of UK airline representatives from British Airways, Flybe, easyJet, Virgin Atlantic Airways, and TUI UK, which chaired the...
The Right Stuff: How to Win a Flying Scholarship
Andy Fisher was awarded a 12-hour flying scholarship from the Air League in 2016. Sponsored by The Swire Charitable Trust, the award was completed in a two-week period during June taking full advantage of the perfect summer flying weather. From Banbury, Andy who was 19 at the time, chose to complete his scholarship at the nearby Wellesbourne Montford Airfield with South Warwickshire Flying School. Partly because SWFS is one of the...
New Aerobatic Scholarship from Ultimate Aerobatics
Ultimate Aerobatics, in partnership with Total UK Aviation Fuels, is offering up to two pilots the opportunity to achieve their aerobatic dreams with a scholarship to take them on the first step of their journey to aerobatic competition. Up to two five hour scholarships are available which will give successful applicants a training award towards the EASA aerobatic rating, allowing them to compete at British Aerobatic competitions....
PC12 SET rating at Biggin Hill
In a newly-ratified partnership with Jonathan Shooter’s Oysterair, Oriens Aviation are to offer SET rating training on the PC12 at their Biggin Hill base. The EASA PC-12 class rating course caters for a wide range of experience, from the PPL (A) holder with instrument rating and a minimum 200 flying hours’ experience with 70 hours Pilot in Command, to the most experienced pilots. “We are delighted to be working with Oriens Aviation to...