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British Women Pilots’ Association announces seven scholarships for 2019

The British Women Pilots’ Association (BWPA) has launched its 2019 scholarships for female pilots. This year there are seven scholarships available:

• BWPA Flying Start (£1000) for new, inexperienced pilots to gain their first qualifications.

• BWPA Flying High (£1000) for licensed pilots who wish to gain further qualifications, take part in significant competitions, or undertake other suitable activities to help them further their personal flying aims.

• BWPA CATS CPL/ATPL Scholarship for the full value of the CATS Aviation Training, Luton ground school CPL/ATPL (A or H) course.

• Two BWPA Bristol Groundschool ATPL Scholarships, each for half the value of the Bristol Groundschool ATPL (A or H) course

• Two BWPA Easy PPL Ground School Scholarships for new and inexperienced pilots towards gaining their PPL(A) ground school qualifications.

In addition, the BWPA is offering 12 ‘taster flights’ from Old Buckenham airfield in Norfolk. Six will be for women over the age of 16 years; and six will be administered through the Aviatrix Project for young people aged 14–17.
Six further ‘taster flights’ for women aged 16-25 years are sponsored by Total UK; these will be in a Pitts S2-A fully aerobatic aircraft at White Waltham airfield.

BWPA Chair Julie Westhorp encourages all potential and current women pilots to apply, saying: “We are delighted to be able to offer such a large number of scholarships once again. The partnerships we have built allows us to continue to grow our support of a community that remains in the minority.”

Applications open on Friday 15 March and close on Monday 6 May 2019. All those awarded BWPA 2019 Scholarships will be invited to the BWPA award presentations at the association’s Christmas lunch in December 2019.

The BWPA is a membership organisation that exists to support women who fly or who are learning to fly and to encourage participation in aviation by women who have yet to try it. Members are of all ages, experience and backgrounds but share a common passion.

The association encourages all current and potential women pilots to consider joining and applying for a scholarship; it says that joining the BWPA directly supports its scholarship and outreach programmes now and into the future. BWPA membership is not restricted to UK citizens or residents.

The BWPA is a non-profit making association run by volunteers with the aim of promoting and supporting women in aviation. Members of the BWPA are involved in all areas of aviation, including recreational and commercial flying, instructing, air traffic control and engineering.

For further information on the BWPA 2019 scholarships see:

Author: FTN Editor

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