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Why do Pilots Dump Fuel

Why do Pilots Dump Fuel

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British Women Pilots’ Association announces seven scholarships for 2019

British Women Pilots’ Association announces seven scholarships for 2019

The British Women Pilots’ Association (BWPA) has launched its 2019 scholarships for female pilots. This year there are seven scholarships available: • BWPA Flying Start (£1000) for new, inexperienced pilots to gain their first qualifications. • BWPA Flying High (£1000) for licensed pilots who wish to gain further qualifications, take part in significant competitions, or undertake other suitable activities to help them further their...

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Helicentre Aviation awards fifteen professional scholarships

Helicentre Aviation awards fifteen professional scholarships

Helicentre Aviation Academy has announced the winners of its 2018 Professional Helicopter Pilot Scholarship Programme. Tom Oliver from Sheffield received the Commercial Pilot Scholarship award worth £50,000 (GBP), and Sam Turner from London, the Flight Instructor Scholarship worth £20,000 (GBP). In addition, thirteen of the academy’s trainee helicopter pilots have received part-funded scholarships towards their Commercial Pilot and...

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General Aviation Airfields Start ADS-B Trials

General Aviation Airfields Start ADS-B Trials

City Airport (Manchester Barton) has officially started their Airspace4All GA Airfield ADS-B traffic display trial. The aim of the trial is to gather evidence to enable the CAA to assess this capability and give consideration to policy change authorising use of ADS-B real-time traffic displays by GA Air Traffic Service (ATS) units. Additionally, Airspace4All hope that this trial will encourage further development of technology to...

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ATP Flight School Accepts Delivery of Eight Piper Archers

ATP Flight School Accepts Delivery of Eight Piper Archers

 US-based ATP Flight School has accepted delivery of eight Archer TXs from Piper Aircraft – the largest single Archer delivery to-date for ATP. These aircraft are part of a deal between Piper and ATP, announced last year, for the purchase of up to 100 of the single-engine trainers. With a retail value of $37 million, this fleet order is ATP’s second, with 114 Archers already in operation. “Piper Aircraft is proud of our...

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